خضر عواركة-بيروت
قال حزب الله اللبناني إن كل المدن والمراكز العسكرية والصناعية والمستوطنات في كل إسرائيل "هي في مرمى نيران" الحزب، وعبر عن استخفافه بالتهديدات التي أطلقها رئيس الأركان الإسرائيلي غابي أشكنازي ضده. وأكد أن قصف الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت سيقابله قصف ساحق لتل أبيب على حد قوله.
وأعلن نائب رئيس المجلس السياسي للحزب، محمود قماطي في تصريح خاص للجزيرة نت أن "تهديدات أشكنازي كلام فارغ ومحاولة لاستعادة زمام المبادرة بعد هزيمة العدو في لبنان وفي غزة".
وأضاف أن "العدو ورعاته يعرفون أن هزيمتهم في أي عدوان قد يشنونه في الظروف الحالية ستكون هزيمة ساحقة تغير المعادلات لصالحنا وستؤدي إلى ضياع كيانهم".
وكان أشكنازي قد هدد بأن إسرائيل سترد بقوة على أي عمل انتقامي يقوم به حزب الله على اغتيال قائده العسكري عماد مغنية، واتهم في تصريحاته تلك إيران بمواصلة تسليح الحزب.
وشدد قماطي على أن قصف الضاحية الجنوبية في بيروت "ستقابلها حتما ضربات صاروخية ساحقة على كل منطقة تل أبيب وفق معادلة الضاحية مقابل تل أبيب".
لا طمأنة لإسرائيل
وبشأن الاتهامات الإسرائيلية بتزود الحزب بأسلحة نوعية قال قماطي إن "حزب الله ليس مضطرا لطمأنة الإسرائيليين حول سلاحه، وهو لن ينفي ولن يؤكد امتلاكه لأسلحة نوعية جديدة"،
واكتفى بالقول إن حزب الله مستعد بكل ما أوتي من قوة "تدريبا وتسليحا وإعدادا وتخطيطا وتنظيما ليوم النزال دفاعا عن أرضنا".
وحول ما أثير عن السفينة التي خطفتها إسرائيل، زاعمة أنها تحتوي على أسلحة كانت في طريقها إلى الحزب قال القيادي في حزب الله إن تلك القصة "مسرحية هزلية" وهي عبارة عن "محاولة إسرائيلية سخيفة للتلهي عن عجزها باختراع البطولات وبالاستعراضات المسرحية التي تريد أن تثبت من خلالها أن يدها طويلة".
المصدر: الجزيرة
الأربعاء، تشرين الثاني ١١، ٢٠٠٩
الاثنين، تشرين الثاني ٠٩، ٢٠٠٩
khodor awarki :New media: A weapon that serves the United States
James K. Glassman previously served as “ Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs under George W. Bush administration , he also served as the chair of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which oversees U.S. government-funded international broadcasting.
“Media is half of the battle” was the title for one of Glassman’s articles which appeared in the Wall Street Journal on September 14, 2007 , Glassman candidly discussed the official American point of view regarding the role of the media in general, and for the use of the new media specifically in the service of the American foreign policy.
Glassman elaborated on the American government’s political use and exploitation of the media in order to achieve political objectives that have nothing to do with freedom of speech or bringing news and truth to the public.
In his detailed presentation in July 2008 before a group of researchers and guests at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), an intensely pro Israel ‘Think Tank”, Glassman declared that he is proud of being the pivotal war player in the war of ideas from the American perspective. Glassman explained that his endeavors can reach one quarter of the Iranian population through specially crafted information using the main stream media.
He added that during his work at the State Department, he established networks and organizations in various countries in order to change public opinion in Islamic countries consistent with the concept of controlling conflict toward authority in Islamic countries but not creating popularity for the United States among Muslims.
Who control and dominate the internet:
Discussing the large independent websites and claiming that media on the web is totally free; Glassman argues that private companies can participate in US government media activities under the project of psychological warfare and that these activities can sometimes achieve the status of quasi military operations.
The new media which is capable of reaching more than one billion and a half internet users assures the American government enormous advantages at the political and media levels should the United States decide to employ this advantage for political reasons, and this is exactly what happened during the recent events in Iran (2009).
News websites in different languages, and social sites who have millions of members from all around the globe, email services which nearly constitute a private domain for large American corporations such as: hotmail (Microsoft), Gmail (Google), Yahoo mail (yahoo), are all electronic components of new media that can be shaped into tools in the American war of ideas largely shielded from detection of their true purposes.
The American administration doesn’t hide that thing, according to jared Cohen,( a member of the U.S. planning staff in the U.S. administration), the American government does not hide this project. On December 3, 2008, Cohen explained on the America.gov website that digitalized “website media”, distributed globally via the Internet d are tools to be used to achieve “freedom of speech.”
This American politician’s speech makes plain that the American administration is trying to impose its agenda upon internet users which is totally the opposite to what article five of the Final Statement of the World summit of Information society 2005 prescribes.
Article Five provides: “Our commitment includes Article 29 of the International Declaration of Human Rights which provides: “Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. Paragraph 3 stipulates that these rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations
Jared Cohen statements also undermine explicity, article six from the announcement of Principals of the international Summit for Technology Community that declares, “according to the spirit of this statement we renew our commitment for the support of the equality and sovereignty of all nations.”
Moussawi follows Morralis:
The latest events that took place in Iran in order to reject the results of the June 2009 presidential elections prove that the Americans have the capacity to use the new media to change hostile countries regimes by taking advantages and creating conflicts in public opinion, according to American media reports. The official statement that was taken as a source for the American media explained that the new media was used as a tool by Jared Cohen as a conduit to influence the Iranian opposition.
Jared Cohen, as an American official, reportedly made a call to Jack Dorosi one of the Twitter site founders asking Twitter to delay the maintenance in The Persian twitter site. This is not the only evidence for the usage of these big companies like twitter and facebook to advance the American political agenda.
These facts were published in the American media which proves that these international web sites are subject to the orders of American public officials and that these orders have intelligence and political objectives which render these websites lose their presumed independence and neutrality.
For example, Jack Dorosi was reportedly given an order from Jared Cohen to make a visit to Iraq along with executives from the websites founders and the new media world in order to negotiate with the Iraqi government some vital issues concerning plans of the Americans for disseminating selected American media reports among the Iraqi people.
“The alliance of youth movements” was founded by Jared Cohen at the end of 2008, which aims for youth participation from many different countries to be trained on taking advantages of the new media in order to make changes in their societies, and also training them on how to influence a society by using social and media electronic sites.
This was first implemented in Colombia in January 2008 when Oscar Morralis, the Colombian activist, made one million people protesting against the Farc Organization. This protest that Morralis claimed was his idea, was adopted by Jared Cohen and then by James Glassman.
The American publicity claims that a group of anti-violent youth led by Oscar Morralis added an advertisement on his site on facebook calling all the young people in his country to protest against certain illegalities on the 4th of February 2008. Morralis called all youth to join his group on Facebook.
This experiment succeeded and 150 thousand from facebook users joined the Morralis group and joined the popular movement that opposes the farc organization. And on the same day of protest some 300 thousand Colombians were in Morralis’ city alone.
The success of Oscar Morralis movement pushed Jared Cohen to adopt the use of facebook for political purposes. Cohen traveled to Colombia and met with Morralis and he invited him to New York for the US State Department’s “New York Summit for Youth Alliance” where 16 countries were participating.
The summit was held at the Colombia University Law School between the 3rd and the 5th of December 2008, with State Department officials attending the meeting as well as from, Colombia University, Google, facebook, MTV cable television, ATand T,, Howcast” and axis 360 media.
At the end of the meeting Howcast site published a guide to lead other groups who want to establish movements against violence and how to use the internet sites for this goal.
James Glassman who participated personally in this meeting stated “technology works for us not for the extremists.”
How the intelligence use the internet:
The Israeli capacity to broadcast sms on cell phones during July 2006 war to all the Lebanese who use this web is a thing to remember that he who has the capacity to dominate the satellite used by cell phone company is the most capable of using it for intelligence and publicity purposes when it suits their political and military objectives.
Additionally, the Lebanese security secret services found out that Israeli spy agencies use chat web and new media tools like facebook and twitter to gain the loyalty of Lebanese and let them become spies, Lebanese spokesmen said in may 2009, after several Israeli spies arrest in Lebanon last summer . This can be an evidence on the way Western countries and its alliances use its technology advances (like new communication, cellular phones, e-mails etc.) in order to make their mission a success .
The Israeli effort to use more people as spies by using social chatting rooms and chatting sites on electronic websites has been discussed in many western media outlets.
The French newspaper Le Monde published on May 27th 2002 the “Internet war” which has being expanded since 9/11 2001. Le Monde claimed that more than 58% of the new sites that appeared post 9/11 were branches of the intelligence systems belonging to several countries. First one belonged to the United States and Israel, then the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Italy.
The Belgium “Le Soir” magazine published in august 2003 a file about “spies of the internet” mentioning that those spies are not who send spam through your e-mail, but they are those who wait in chatting rooms for anybody to become a dear friend of them.
The French “La tribune” uncovered in the issue number 213 that the Israeli intelligence officer Adon Werdan is the same Daniel Domilio who established the website “free youth” that attracted more than 10 million visitors during 2003. But that web site was stopped suddenly when the Sunday magazine uncovered the truth of the founder of the most important website for free writing where youth use to express freely their anger against their governments.
James K. Glassman previously served as “ Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs under George W. Bush administration , he also served as the chair of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which oversees U.S. government-funded international broadcasting.
“Media is half of the battle” was the title for one of Glassman’s articles which appeared in the Wall Street Journal on September 14, 2007 , Glassman candidly discussed the official American point of view regarding the role of the media in general, and for the use of the new media specifically in the service of the American foreign policy.
Glassman elaborated on the American government’s political use and exploitation of the media in order to achieve political objectives that have nothing to do with freedom of speech or bringing news and truth to the public.
In his detailed presentation in July 2008 before a group of researchers and guests at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), an intensely pro Israel ‘Think Tank”, Glassman declared that he is proud of being the pivotal war player in the war of ideas from the American perspective. Glassman explained that his endeavors can reach one quarter of the Iranian population through specially crafted information using the main stream media.
He added that during his work at the State Department, he established networks and organizations in various countries in order to change public opinion in Islamic countries consistent with the concept of controlling conflict toward authority in Islamic countries but not creating popularity for the United States among Muslims.
Who control and dominate the internet:
Discussing the large independent websites and claiming that media on the web is totally free; Glassman argues that private companies can participate in US government media activities under the project of psychological warfare and that these activities can sometimes achieve the status of quasi military operations.
The new media which is capable of reaching more than one billion and a half internet users assures the American government enormous advantages at the political and media levels should the United States decide to employ this advantage for political reasons, and this is exactly what happened during the recent events in Iran (2009).
News websites in different languages, and social sites who have millions of members from all around the globe, email services which nearly constitute a private domain for large American corporations such as: hotmail (Microsoft), Gmail (Google), Yahoo mail (yahoo), are all electronic components of new media that can be shaped into tools in the American war of ideas largely shielded from detection of their true purposes.
The American administration doesn’t hide that thing, according to jared Cohen,( a member of the U.S. planning staff in the U.S. administration), the American government does not hide this project. On December 3, 2008, Cohen explained on the America.gov website that digitalized “website media”, distributed globally via the Internet d are tools to be used to achieve “freedom of speech.”
This American politician’s speech makes plain that the American administration is trying to impose its agenda upon internet users which is totally the opposite to what article five of the Final Statement of the World summit of Information society 2005 prescribes.
Article Five provides: “Our commitment includes Article 29 of the International Declaration of Human Rights which provides: “Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. Paragraph 3 stipulates that these rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations
Jared Cohen statements also undermine explicity, article six from the announcement of Principals of the international Summit for Technology Community that declares, “according to the spirit of this statement we renew our commitment for the support of the equality and sovereignty of all nations.”
Moussawi follows Morralis:
The latest events that took place in Iran in order to reject the results of the June 2009 presidential elections prove that the Americans have the capacity to use the new media to change hostile countries regimes by taking advantages and creating conflicts in public opinion, according to American media reports. The official statement that was taken as a source for the American media explained that the new media was used as a tool by Jared Cohen as a conduit to influence the Iranian opposition.
Jared Cohen, as an American official, reportedly made a call to Jack Dorosi one of the Twitter site founders asking Twitter to delay the maintenance in The Persian twitter site. This is not the only evidence for the usage of these big companies like twitter and facebook to advance the American political agenda.
These facts were published in the American media which proves that these international web sites are subject to the orders of American public officials and that these orders have intelligence and political objectives which render these websites lose their presumed independence and neutrality.
For example, Jack Dorosi was reportedly given an order from Jared Cohen to make a visit to Iraq along with executives from the websites founders and the new media world in order to negotiate with the Iraqi government some vital issues concerning plans of the Americans for disseminating selected American media reports among the Iraqi people.
“The alliance of youth movements” was founded by Jared Cohen at the end of 2008, which aims for youth participation from many different countries to be trained on taking advantages of the new media in order to make changes in their societies, and also training them on how to influence a society by using social and media electronic sites.
This was first implemented in Colombia in January 2008 when Oscar Morralis, the Colombian activist, made one million people protesting against the Farc Organization. This protest that Morralis claimed was his idea, was adopted by Jared Cohen and then by James Glassman.
The American publicity claims that a group of anti-violent youth led by Oscar Morralis added an advertisement on his site on facebook calling all the young people in his country to protest against certain illegalities on the 4th of February 2008. Morralis called all youth to join his group on Facebook.
This experiment succeeded and 150 thousand from facebook users joined the Morralis group and joined the popular movement that opposes the farc organization. And on the same day of protest some 300 thousand Colombians were in Morralis’ city alone.
The success of Oscar Morralis movement pushed Jared Cohen to adopt the use of facebook for political purposes. Cohen traveled to Colombia and met with Morralis and he invited him to New York for the US State Department’s “New York Summit for Youth Alliance” where 16 countries were participating.
The summit was held at the Colombia University Law School between the 3rd and the 5th of December 2008, with State Department officials attending the meeting as well as from, Colombia University, Google, facebook, MTV cable television, ATand T,, Howcast” and axis 360 media.
At the end of the meeting Howcast site published a guide to lead other groups who want to establish movements against violence and how to use the internet sites for this goal.
James Glassman who participated personally in this meeting stated “technology works for us not for the extremists.”
How the intelligence use the internet:
The Israeli capacity to broadcast sms on cell phones during July 2006 war to all the Lebanese who use this web is a thing to remember that he who has the capacity to dominate the satellite used by cell phone company is the most capable of using it for intelligence and publicity purposes when it suits their political and military objectives.
Additionally, the Lebanese security secret services found out that Israeli spy agencies use chat web and new media tools like facebook and twitter to gain the loyalty of Lebanese and let them become spies, Lebanese spokesmen said in may 2009, after several Israeli spies arrest in Lebanon last summer . This can be an evidence on the way Western countries and its alliances use its technology advances (like new communication, cellular phones, e-mails etc.) in order to make their mission a success .
The Israeli effort to use more people as spies by using social chatting rooms and chatting sites on electronic websites has been discussed in many western media outlets.
The French newspaper Le Monde published on May 27th 2002 the “Internet war” which has being expanded since 9/11 2001. Le Monde claimed that more than 58% of the new sites that appeared post 9/11 were branches of the intelligence systems belonging to several countries. First one belonged to the United States and Israel, then the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Italy.
The Belgium “Le Soir” magazine published in august 2003 a file about “spies of the internet” mentioning that those spies are not who send spam through your e-mail, but they are those who wait in chatting rooms for anybody to become a dear friend of them.
The French “La tribune” uncovered in the issue number 213 that the Israeli intelligence officer Adon Werdan is the same Daniel Domilio who established the website “free youth” that attracted more than 10 million visitors during 2003. But that web site was stopped suddenly when the Sunday magazine uncovered the truth of the founder of the most important website for free writing where youth use to express freely their anger against their governments.
الاثنين، تشرين الثاني ٠٢، ٢٠٠٩
زيارة مثيرة للجدل لبوستروم إلى الكيان الصهيوني ومحاولات إعتداء \ حوار قريب
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